Prime Minister calls for Bunyoro clan registration at Abayonga AGM
Written by admin on January 16, 2023
The Prime Minister (Omuhikirwa) of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, the Rt. Hon. Andrew Kirungi Byakutaaga Ateenyi, has called upon clan leaders in Bunyoro to register their clans with the kingdom for acknowledgement and certification.
By doing so, they will be contributing to the kingdom’s efforts to rebuild Bunyoro culture.
While speaking at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Abayonga-Baisanza clan on Saturday, Omuhikirwa Byakutaaga emphasised the need for clans to concretise their relationship at that level and also work to build the kingdom – the centre of all clans.
The AGM was held at Rujunju cell in Kiziramfumbi town council, Kikuube district.
He revealed that the kingdom designed clan certificates for authenticity and easing the identity of people at marriage and other cultural ceremonies.
At the same function, Mr Byakutaaga reiterated his call for unity amongst the kingdom subjects urging them to ignore any divisionism ideology aimed at weakening the historically known Bunyoro kingdom.
On environmental conservation, he said the kingdom takes it critical as all the rest is done because its degradation puts at risk cultural artifacts, food security and income.
At the same function, Mr Ibrahim Juma, the Kiziranfumbi Town Council Chairman, called upon the administration of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom to intensify the fight against threats to the subjects’ land security.
He emphasised the need for the kingdom to investigate and suppress persons that are threatening to evict people claiming to be kingdom representatives.
“The kingdom should intensify efforts to ensure land security for the subjects. We also appreciate that they are already working on it,” he said.
Mr Ibrahim described those people as hooligans tarnishing the image of the kingdom.
On culture, the chairman challenged family heads to take lead because children follow what their parents cherish.